Coming soon… a new website! Keep an eye out for updates!
Silent Auction for School VR Goggles
The auction has closed and we raised over $3,225 which will help the school purchase 6 VR Headsets! Way to go team Manning – who knew lockers were such a big hit?! If you haven’t already, you can pay by credit card HERE. Or you can drop off a check to the Manning Front Office.
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The Manning PTA Needs Your Help!
We have many “behind the scenes” gigs that will add joy to your middles faces, without them ever knowing you were involved! From website updates to classroom support and many, many things in between, we could use more hands to help support our middles next school year.
Please look at the current list of opportunities and connect with to learn the best fit for your interests and your schedule.
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2022-2023 PTA Meetings
Our next meeting will be on May 18th at 8:30am in the Library.
Thanks to all that made it to last Thursday’s PTA Meeting. You can review the meeting minutes here and we hope you plan to join us at the last PTA Meeting of the year on May 18!
Second Star to the Right will be hosting a Book Fair on Friday, May 19. The books are conveniently broken down in grade level recommendations. You can peruse the list ahead of time and the kids can shop in person at the school on May 15 or online. Either way, you can jump start your students summer reading!
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The DEI Committee has been working together this year to provide opportunities to celebrate, enrich, and transform who we are with the goal of building a future where every individual is equally valued and celebrated, and every person’s potential can be realized and fulfilled. The group meets twice a month on Tuesdays and we would love to have a consistent parent participate in these meetings. The meetings for the remainder of the year are 4/25 and 5/9 from 7:50-8:20am. If you are interested in learning more, please send a note to
Now that you have started to book those summer camps it’s the perfect time to shop for durable, personalized and waterproof labels at Mabel’s Labels!
Manning PTA is fundraising with Mabel’s Labels now through May 16th. Go to and search for Manning Middle School PTA. The school will receive 20% of all sales attributed towards the campaign – Let’s get organized, Manning!
Help Us Load the Lounge for the Teachers!
This month we are inviting our 8th grade families for their last time. All items are due on Monday the 13th of March, and will be collected near the main entrance from 8am-8:25, where a PTA representative will collect your donation.
If you would like to participate please sign up below. As always, thank you for your support!
Welcome Back to the 2022/2023 School Year! 
We are so happy you are here! We hope that you will enjoy our updated Manning PTA website. On the website you will be able to keep up with the latest PTA news, join our PTA, learn about our enrichment programs, latest events and more. Please feel free to EMAIL with any questions or if you’re interested in helping with events!
Don’t forget to link your King Sooper’s rewards to Manning PTA, as well as your Amazon Smile account! This is FREE MONEY for our school!
To join the PTA for the 2022-2023 school year, click HERE!
The cost is only $10 for one adult membership or $20 for two adults for the year and provides yearlong support to our students, staff and faculty.